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Dear Aamir, 

For more than 90 years, the mission of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society has stayed constant. Today, more than ever, we are committed to making Canada better known to Canadians and the world. Through our publication, Canadian Geographic, we are furthering that mission of uncovering and communicating stories about Canadian people and places, and the intersections between them that Canadian readers find most compelling.

This year, Canadian Geographic has reported stories that matter, sparked debate, inspired people and celebrated Canada. The Society's Giving Tuesday campaign is dedicated to raising important funds to support the trusted, award-winning journalism found in Canadian Geographic

Donate today!

Today, Canadian Geographic magazine strives more than ever to strengthen the bond between Canadians and their diverse geographical heritage. Your donation ensures that Canadian Geographic can continue to make Canada better known to Canadians and to the world.

All donations made before the end of day today, Tuesday, November 29, will be matched by the Meighen Family Foundation, meaning your donation will have double the impact! Your donation of $50 becomes $100; your donation of $100 provides $200 in support of the critical work done by Canadian Geographic.

Match my gift for Giving Tuesday

Thank you in advance for your contribution 

Sarah Legault 
Vice-President, Philanthropy 

P.S. If you donate $500 or more, I will send you a copy of our beautiful Best of 2022 special issue, only available on select newsstands for a short period of time.

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