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“We can’t just cover the same old shit”: How worker-owned Hell Gate is bringing the alt-weekly voice back to New York City

Nieman Lab: The Daily Digest

“We can’t just cover the same old shit”: How worker-owned Hell Gate is bringing the alt-weekly voice back to New York City

“I wouldn’t want any readers to get the impression that we have, like, millions of dollars in venture capital that we’re [spending on] sushi Thursdays.” By Hanaa' Tameez.
What We’re Reading
Columbia Journalism Review / Jon Allsop
Serena Williams once wrote tennis news. She never stopped. →
“The world of tennis, specifically, has historically been elite and white-dominated, a disparity long reflected in the press corps that covers it. The Williams sisters challenged that status quo. They also challenged the broader convention that sports journalism in the US should be apolitical, and set apart from bigger social questions.”
CNN / Hadas Gold and Abeer Salman
Israeli military admits Shireen Abu Akleh was likely killed by Israeli fire​​​​, but won’t charge soldiers →
“A senior IDF official who briefed journalists on the findings ​of the military’s investigation before they were released said the IDF troops did not know they were shooting at the press​, and said that Abu Akleh’s back ‘probably’ being turned to the soldiers was a contributing factor. In images from the scene of the shooting, Abu Akleh is wearing a protective vest that is labeled ‘PRESS’ on both the front and back.”
The Washington Post / Paul Farhi
National Geographic has laid off six of its top editors →
“National Geographic has for decades been one of the best-selling magazines in the country. As recently as 2013, it sold about 4 million copies monthly. But like many print publications, its circulation has tumbled in the digital era. As of June, its monthly circulation was about 1.8 million copies, according to the Alliance for Audited Media.”
Nieman Reports / Adriana Lacy
Cleveland Plain Dealer editor Chris Quinn on covering Trumpism and advocating for a free press →
“We are advocates. In the J.D. Vance piece, the advocacy is ‘cut it out.’ We talk to whoever we want to talk to. That's what America stands for. When it comes to public spending and things like that, we're advocating to make sure that the money you spend is on the purposes for which it was announced, and not corruption and things. There's a lot of advocacy, I think, that we all do.”
Axios / Sara Fischer
Yahoo buys The Factual to add news credibility ratings →
“Launched in 2019, The Factual uses artificial intelligence to rank articles based on four criteria: site quality, author expertise, article tone (level of opinion), and quality of sources.”
Polygon / Owen S. Good
Kotaku’s Mike Fahey, beloved “big kid” of video games journalism, dies at 49 →
“So many who try to write funny stuff, it comes off forced, but for him, it was an innate ability. It was just so natural. I pushed him to do investigative stuff and longer-form writing, but I think the thing he liked most was making people laugh.”
NPR / David Folkenflik
Fox producer’s warning against Jeanine Pirro surfaces in Dominion defamation suit →
“The wide nets cast by Dominion in seeking depositions suggests, University of Georgia media law professor Jonathan Peters says, that the company’s attorneys are “exploring the extent to which Fox personnel published false statements with knowledge of their falsity or with a ‘high degree of awareness of their probable falsity’ (the relevant fault standards).”
Las Vegas Review-Journal / David Wilson
Las Vegas Review-Journal investigative reporter Jeff German killed outside his home →
“Las Vegas Review-Journal investigative reporter Jeff German, one of Nevada's most accomplished and trusted journalists, was found dead with stab wounds outside his home Saturday morning.”
Washington Post / Sarah Ellison
Politico’s new German owner has a “contrarian” plan for American media →
“Weeks before the 2020 U.S. presidential election, he sent a surprising message to his closest executives, obtained by The Washington Post: ‘Do we all want to get together for an hour in the morning on November 3 and pray that Donald Trump will again become President of the United States of America?'”
The Guardian / Pjotr Sauer
Moscow court revokes Novaya Gazeta’s license to publish inside Russia →
“A court in Moscow has stripped Novaya Gazeta of its print media license, effectively banning the newspaper from operating inside Russia, less than a year after its editor-in-chief, Dmitry Muratov, won the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize.”

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