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Start dreaming about a life-changing journey to the Arctic

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Start dreaming about a life-changing journey to the Arctic

Experience for yourself a beauty few Canadians ever see!
Watch a special webinar presentation about Adventure Canada's small-ship Arctic expedition cruises to learn more about all you can experience on these once-in-a-lifetime journeys.
  • Iconic wildlife: muskoxen, walrus, narwhal, belugas, and polar bears
  • Vibrant Inuit culture: community visits and on-board cultural educators
  • Stunning natural landscapes: icefjords, blooming tundra, and the Northwest Passage
  • Fascinating historical sites: Beechey Island and Thule archaeological remains
 Get instant access to this webinar to start dreaming about your life-changing journey to the Arctic.
Watch the webinar

Learn more about the Arctic 

Learn more about the natural wonders, rich cultures, and complex histories of Arctic and Atlantic Canada with Adventure Canada's new Travel Canada by Sea! expedition guide. It's brimming with articles, photo stories, and engaging information, all produced by Adventure Canada's award-winning team of expedition experts.
With this recently updated, 150-page, full-colour digital travel guide, you'll learn:
  • Captivating facts about Canada's iconic wildlife
  • The artistic and cultural traditions unique to the country's Arctic and Atlantic coastlines
  • Intriguing history that many Canadians know little about
  • The must-see highlights from around these regions
  • What you can experience on a small-ship expedition voyage
 Whatever you enjoy, the Travel Canada by Sea! expedition guide will get you intrigued and informed about your next journey to these exciting destinations.
Download the guide
Ring of Brodgar, Orkney, Scotland. Photo by Dennis Minty.

The Wild Coasts of Europe

Travel to Scotland, the Faroe Islands, Iceland, and Greenland with Adventure Canada in the summer of 2023. Encounter wildlife in pristine natural environments, see stunning vistas seldom visited, and join a community of like-minded travellers.
Learn more
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